Fair time came and went... the summer is in full swing and after the fair the days get lazy and slip away one steamy sunset after another!
We've baked in support of our local fire houses. Taking home accolades, bragging rights, and reasons to love friendly competition among sisters as these placings are sure to come up at Thanksgiving, Christmas, in casual phone calls.. "Remember your 2ND PLACE brownies?"
But, most importantly it connects us on a deeper level as a family. For these 9 days each summer we test our limits, our patience, and strengthen our bonds with each other and our communities. Watching the ladies grow as show women, exhibitors, and members of this special rural way of life is by far my favorite way to waste my summer days.
"Momma this is from the QUEEN she's over there... see Bread Bread we won!"
We did win!
But this... this is really why...
Everyone in this shot showed up for MY kid...
to watch her grin ear to ear and poke a pig with a stick on a weeknight!
THIS is what the fair is about! It's about community, and family, and an overwhelming pride in your name, your homestead, and what you have created together...
THIS is the tribe...
who loves my ladies fiercely!
They are family of blood, and family of choice.
Bankers, teachers, rock climbers, nurses, entrepreneurs, Great Grandparents, Yogis, military servicemen, cousins, colleagues...
This is what my ladies are winning... and maybe it takes a pig to get that, or a loaf of bread RKR bakes that's probably inedible ( but we exhibited it anyway!)
and for that we are blessed beyond a championship drive!
To My Tribe with Love!
The Proud Momma of Exhibitor #920