Saturday, March 16, 2013

It just isn't spring till there is livestock in the bathroom!

Some people think you are a real woman at 14.. others the day you get married... today I feel like a real rural American woman.. because... I GOT MY CHICKENS!

 Today was the Mud Sale in Airville Pa, it's like adult Christmas... You spend some money leave with awesome stuff, eat way to much... and make memories with your family!
We've been pricing chicken houses and they are well over $1,200 at all the local places. Today at the mud sale we got one exactly like I wanted for only $400! Nate said it was worth every penny how excited I was.. I quickly headed down to the livestock tent and found these little fellas with 78 of their brothers and sisters up on the auction block, and claimed 10 for my very own! It's a gamble because they are straight run ( meaning you don't know if they are roosters of hens), but any roosters will taste dandy!

 I come from a long line of chicken women in this family! Mamal Jones grew up raising peeps and she  and my Mom had hens in Aberdeen when my mom was growing up. An old trick is when your peeps first get home you mix a little sugar with the water to give them a little kick start after they have traveled.. then you dip their beaks in to show them how it works...

 Next you get them some chop and pick at it with your finger, they will immediately imitate your behavior and realize yum yum this is good stuff.. Another trick is to put the feed in something shiny like this cookie tin lid, then they stay interested after you leave them.
 So at your house it might be spring with Easter Eggs and the like.. But as a child and now as a grown up...
 It just isn't spring till there is livestock in the bathroom!

Here is my beautiful new chicken house where my babies will go once they get their feathers in!

So from our growing homestead to yours! Happy Spring!

Much Love,

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Driver Coming Soon!

So... in case you missed it.... We're having a baby!
Nate and I as well as our families are thrilled!
It's been a fast 14 weeks and I never got sick probably because I slept for those first 9 weeks. :) 
 When we first found out we were expecting I found this little guy in one of my consignment shop trips. He's the exact match to the one I bought my beloved Sam when we found out he was going to arrive. Early in a pregnancy it's hard to feel pregnant and push through the yicky stomach, the complete exhaustion, sooo that is where Froggie Rol comes in... Froggie Rol gave me a focal point, a goal, he reminds me to step away from the ice cream and have some fruit instead, and to look forward to the day Baby Rol and Froggie Rol meet for the first time.
 Things I like to eat, salad... lots of salad... things I don't can't and won't even consider... deer meat.. weird... After polling friends and at the advice of the midwife... milk from the farm is a no go for the next nine... so for the fist time in my life I am stuck with store bought milk.. ugh! How do "normal" people drink this.. oh they put chocolate syrup in it... I get it now... It's just 9 months Amy and then you can raise Baby Rol on the good stuff...
If you know me well... I find ultrasounds weird and a little gross... I will admit I do love to see our little one and I have the pics in my wallet if you ever ask to see them, otherwise... in the words of Pop Pop Danny... if you were meant to see in there they would have put in a window. So... Froggie Rol can give you this week's insight into Baby Rol's development... According to the web, Baby Rol is the size of a cell phone. So here is Froggie Rol hanging with his buddy...

Till next time...
Much Love from our growing family!
Amy, Nate, Baby Rol, & Froggie Rol