Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Baby Rol Meet conservation... Month 6..

It's pushing 90... they say pregnant people should stay inside.. well.. ok... thanks for that advice! I decided to head to the swamp! I've got a little one to raise up strong from the get go!
I'm a nerd...I'm married to a nerd...  and I'd like to think I'm growing one too! :)  While watching Maryland Public Television Nate and I saw a program about a woman who was raising White Turtlehead Plants. They are a native plant to Maryland and are the host plant for the Baltimore Checketspot Butterfly to lay it's eggs. 
Here is some more info so you can get your nerd on: http://www.dnr.state.md.us/naturalresource/fall2008/mpt.pdf

Our farm is home to many conservation projects like this stream crossing and Dad recently enrolled in a pollinator project to help produce food for the dwindling population of pollinators including our beloved honeybees! Our waterways are now pollinator food, so these Turtleheads will be part of that project. 

Kelly recently took a job with a "swamp farm," these plants were destined for the compost pile. So Kelly brought them home for our project.

So I put on my boots.. (oh yeah feet arn't swollen and they still fit) and I headed to the swamp and planted about a dozen of them at the stream crossing. 

 And... Baby Rol even got a little dirty :)... Finding a "Baby Bump" makes a great shelf...

So Baby Rol has officially participated in his/her first "nerd" event! Just like I'll get to watch my little on grow I'll also get to watch these plants grow and hopefully we'll save a few butterflies in the process.

Till next time.. 
Get your nerd on!
~ Amy ~ Nate ~ Baby Rol 

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