Beautiful weather I can only enjoy from a window, womenly issues, work stress, and poor sleep are all the culprits.
So.. whatcha gonna do?
We proclaimed it a daycation at 2950.
Our destination Havre de Grace a quaint little water town, 30 minutes from here with a BRAND new library!
The library has this incredible childrens play area that is free and rivals any local museum.
The architecture in this town is historic and gorgeous! We strolled the streets with RKR and Homestead Engineer making up make believe stories about who might live there.
Barbie or a witch might live here?We scored a resteraunt week deal at a Cajon resteraunt and the ladies loved jambalaya and crawfish. So fun to have a meal that didn't come from a Ball Canning Jar ♡
There is a mouthwatering chocolate shop in town and what helps improve ones mood and says vacation like artisan chocolate! The ladies squealed with delight at the chance to pick a candy treat. Starfish gummies for RKR, Peeps for LBR, chocolate covered pretzels for Homestead Engineer and 1/2 lb assortment for me because... well reasons!
And... what vacation is complete with out a new friend to love. LBR fell asleep in the Tula loving Puppy as we journeyed back to the car.
My heart is happy to have turned my mind off and my heart open to my little family today...
Oh... and this Sangria didn't hurt the cause either...
Tomorrow it's back to salad, clean eating, but for today mwphhhohhhchhhh (sorry my mouth is full of chocolate)
Your in love, light, and Chocolate!