Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Teddy Roosevelt of Seasons...

Winter arrived at 2950 this week. To me winter is the Teddy Roosevelt of the seasons. It speaks softly and carries a big stick! 

 In 2013 I learned winters full power. A new momma to a 4 month old baby without power or water for 4 days! It became evident 1 day into this event that our 87 year old neighbor was also in danger with limited food, an electric stove, no power and no water. So as is our family way we always make room for one more and we ended up taking  him home with us for the duration of the storm.

So that year I learned the power of preparation and have made it a point each winter to take a day and prep.

Fresh flashlights and batteries go in hidden places throughout the house because RKR is quite a fan of flashlights. 

 A tub with batteries, lights, candles, batteries, and matches gets prepped.
The fridge is a central location where everyone knows the supplies are so the box gets stowed away.

We also jug up water. We have 10 gallons in the bathroom, and 10 galllons of drinking water on tap.

 The generator moves up to the porch and the firewood will begin to fill the porch and we'll continue
To keep the yard piled high.

What are you doing to prep for winter?

Yours in love, light, and woodstove warmth!

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