Imagine my excitment when I arrived home today to see a box from Bed Bath and Beyond on the front porch. We are registered there! Oh it's a wedding gift! OH! OH! I threw my school bag to the side and began cutting the box open wildly. Similar to the scence from A Christmas Story as Ralphie opens his official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!

WOW! It's a dish set! Our First wedding gift! Moments of giddy girlhood dreams surface as I realize that I am really a bride! This is really all happening! My thoughts flash... who could this most beautifule and sacred first gift have come from... Aunt Helen in Calefornia, The Vaughan congregation from Illinois? Who..,. WHO... WHO! I then rip through the box a second time looking for a card!

What... wait... who the F are the Mayberrys... searching for the packing slip... Melissa Mayberry Leander Texas... What who? Ok so there is likely an explination to this... SO I call my parents, Nate, Nate's Grandmother, Nate's Mother, and my sisters... no one knows who "your friends the Mayberrys," are...

Soo... as much as it pains me to realize this may not be for me but rather for some other giddy bride, I did the right thing. The customer service represenative at Bed Bath and Beyond will be contacting the Mayberrys tomorrow to see if they really do know my, or only wish they did....
This Road to Roland is always full of adventure... oh and did I mention the packing slip indicated that there were other items to the order being shipped seperatly... Oh the suspense... Stay tunned to see if we ever solve the Mayberry Mystert?!?!
Until Then All our Love,
Amy & Nate
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